Connections MADE Meet & Eat 2.2
Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 9, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Sinclair College in Mason
Community Room, Building B
5380 Courseview Dr.
Mason, OH 45040
MADE Chamber Members: $25
Prospective Members: $50
Contact Information
Stephanie Chelf - (513) 336-0125
Send Email
Connections MADE Meet & Eat 2.2 is Mason Deerfield Chamber's popular networking event and offers lunch provided by a rotating member restaurant or venue. During the meeting members have a brief opportunity to introduce themselves and their business to the group, connect with new members, and expand their personal and professional networks. Newly reimagined in 2022, this year's event will also include a featured speaker, or panel of speakers, who will be discussing topics of interest concerning the greater MADE region.
At November's event we will welcome the Parks & Recreation directors from the City of Mason and Deerfield Township who will share about area park amenities, as well as recreation opportunities and programs offered. Attendees will hear how to get involved and utilize what the MADE region has to offer.