CommUNITY Days JingleFest
Date and Time
Thursday Dec 7, 2023
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM EST
Manor House Event Center
7440 Mason Montgomery Rd.
Mason, OH 45040
Unlimited Food or Beverage Wristband: $25
Unlimited Food and Beverage Wristband: $35
Contact Information
Chris Burke - (513) 336-0125
Send Email

It is time to celebrate each other, the MADE community, and the holiday season at the Mason Deerfield Chamber's annual Jingle Fest! The entire membership and friends are invited to enjoy delicious drinks and tasty treats while we connect over the past year.
Help Those in Need
Bring an unwrapped toy suitable for infants to young teens for the Building Blocks for Kids toy drive this holiday season! Toys will be distributed to families by BB4K.
Wear a Holiday Sweater
Bring your most festive - maybe even ugly - holiday attire and pose for photos with our holiday props and photo backdrop.
Celebrate Volunteers
During JingleFest, at 5:21 p.m. we will celebrate all our amazing volunteers and sponsors on the Your Chamber Connection Membership Drive with a special presentation. Thank you to our Membership Drive event sponsors: Benchmark Gensuite, AlphaGraphics, Carrabba's Italian Grill, Joe Barr American Legion, Kroger, Mariott Cincinnati Northeast, Parera Bakery, and Texas Roadhouse.Event Sponsors
Network Sponsors